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Revised November 12, 2018

Revised April 12, 2019

Revised April 8, 2022

Revised April 14, 2023

Revised December 18,2024


1.1 There are four classifications of membership in this association: project, active, associate, and student/alumni.

1.2 A person may become a member by payment of the prescribed Association fees. Project and individual dues must be paid in full for members to be eligible to vote.

1.3 A member may be reviewed for disciplinary action with due process by a quorum of voting members at any scheduled or special Association meeting. Disciplinary action must be approved by 2/3 of members present. The disciplined member shall be notified in writing by the Association President.

1.4 Members may resign from the Association by providing a written resignation to the Association President.

1.5 Project membership is open to all TRIO programs in New Mexico, and is required for active membership of individuals.

1.6 Active membership shall be limited to current employed personnel of TRIO programs. Active membership of currently employed TRIO personnel is contingent upon annual payment of project and individual fees. Only Active members may hold office and vote.

1.7 Associate membership is open to any person interested in student assistance programs. Associate members may not hold office or vote, but must pay Association fees.

1.8 Student/Alumni membership is open to any program participant interested in TRIO assistance programs. Student/Alumni members may not hold office or vote, but must pay Association fees.


2.1 The officers and Board of the Association shall be President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer whose duties are described below. In addition to the duties described below, these officers shall represent the TRIO New Mexico Association on the Southwest Association of Student Assistance Programs (SWASAP) Board.

2.2 The President and/or President Elect shall preside at all Association meetings. The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons, and be a member of all Association committees.

President Position Summary: The President is the chief elected officer to the Association and presides at all general meetings of the delegate assembly. The President is the chairperson of the Executive Board and, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, appoints all chairpersons of standing and ad hoc committees. The President will be an ex-officio member of all committees, except nominations and elections. The President shall in no way be employed by the Association.

Priorities include: Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) issues, educating lawmakers, disseminating information about the Association, promoting membership involvement in committees, clarifying responsibility and accountability for committee chairs, and preparing the interim and annual reports to the membership.

Principal Responsibilities:

        Set dates and locations of State Conference

        Facilitate Executive Board orientation and meetings throughout the year

        Keep in contact with Executive Board throughout the year

        Preside at all general TRIO New Mexico meetings of the Executive Board

        Conduct business meeting at Annual Conference

        Attend SWASAP Orientation and additional Board Meetings

        Prepare state reports for SWASAP Board Meetings

        Complete COE State Scorecard at the beginning and end of each year

        Respond to COE Action Alerts and activate e-mail/fax/phone and other communication systems

        Disseminate information from COE and SWASAP

        Produce Annual Report for State Conference

        Respond to member and Association concerns

        Call additional meetings as stated in Article 4.6 of TRIO New Mexico By-laws

        Carry out the mission of the organization

        Review and update Strategic Plan

        Appoint parliamentarian for all meetings

        Good working understanding of TRIO New Mexico By-laws

        Select Committee Chairs

Ceremonial Responsibilities:

        Attend COE Policy Seminar

        Attend State Conference

        Attend SWASAP Conference 

Past-President Position Summary: The main duty of the Past President is to serve as a resource for current Executive Board members and function as the State Liaison for the Association. The priorities of the office include: co-leading fundraising efforts with President – Elect, chair the Nominations and Elections Committee, chair the Fair Share Committee and act as Advisor to current President.

Principal Responsibilities:

        Serve on the Executive Board and subcommittees as assigned by President

        Participate in Executive Board orientation and meetings throughout the year

        Follow-up on presidential goals and initiatives

        Provide advice and guidance to current officers and chairs

        Actively contribute to and participate in all Executive Board activities/discussions

        Serve as Nominations/Elections Chair

Ceremonial Responsibilities:

        Attend State Conference

        Attend SWASAP Conference

2.3 The President-Elect shall assist the President. In the absence or disability of the President, the President-Elect shall have the powers and shall perform the duties of the President. The President- elect shall become the President of the Association the following term.

President Elect Position Summary: The President-Elect serves with the same powers as the President in the event that the President becomes incapacitated or resigns. The President-Elect serves as “President in Training.” The priorities of this office include co-leading fundraising efforts with Past-President and responding to COE issues. The President-Elect is a 3-year term/commitment. The President Elect will serve in the position of President Elect (year 1), President (year 2) and Past President (year 3).

Principal Responsibilities:

        Attend Executive Board orientation and meetings throughout the year

        Serve on Executive Board and subcommittees as assigned by President

        Attend SWASAP Board Orientation and additional board meetings, serving as state liaison

        Represent the President as needed

        Assist the President and committee chairs in achieving their goals

        Plan for up-coming year’s activities

        Actively contribute to and participate in all Executive Board activities/discussions

Ceremonial Responsibilities:

        Attend COE Policy Seminar

        Attend State Conference

        Attend SWASAP Conference

2.4 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Association meetings and provide copies of the minutes to all active Association members. At the end of each term, the Secretary shall provide the new Secretary with prior records.

Principle Responsibilities:

        Provide copies of the minutes in electronic or paper to the active membership

        Take minutes of the Association business meetings and provide a copy to the executive board within 10 business days of a meeting

        Maintain minutes on Association on electronic archive, database  or other drive

        Maintain committee rosters

        Attend SWASAP Board Orientation and additional board meetings, serving as state liaison.

Ceremonial Responsibilities:

        Attend State Conference

        Attend SWASAP Conference

2.5 The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving and disbursing the funds of the Association, maintaining appropriate fiscal records, and providing a Treasurer’s report at all Association meetings. The Treasurer and President shall have signature authority to sign checks for all Board authorized expenditures. At the end of each term, the Treasurer shall provide the new Treasurer with prior records.

Principle Responsibilities:   

Treasurer is responsible for following the TRIO New Mexico Finance Manual to include the following:

•         Maintain record of detailed financial transactions

•         Participate in monthly finance committee meetings

•         Receive, deposit and disburse funds

•         Maintain custody and safekeeping of collections

•         Receive Expenditure Request forms and work along with the Finance Chair to determine the pertinence   

           of the request

•         Receive monthly reconciliation forms

•         Send monthly reconciliation forms to Finance Chair

•         Issue refunds on behalf of the association

•         Attend SWASAP Orientation and additional Board Meetings, serving as state liaison.

Ceremonial Responsibilities:

              Attend State Conference

              Attend SWASAP Conference

2.6 The officers of the Association shall be selected by the active TRIO New Mexico membership. Each term of office shall be one year, except for the office of Treasurer and Secretary. The office of Treasurer and Secretary will be elected on alternate years and serve two-year terms. Elections for the Treasurer will be held on odd years and elections for the Secretary will be held on even years.

2.7 Any officer of the Association shall not succeed himself/herself in the same office more than two (2) consecutive terms.

2.8 Elections shall take place at the Spring Association meeting. New officers shall assume leadership on the 1st of the following month.

2.9 In the case of a vacancy in the Secretary or Treasurer offices, the President shall appoint an individual to complete the unexpired term. If the Presidency is vacated, the President-Elect shall assume the office of the President, and a new President-Elect shall be elected by the membership. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President-Elect, the membership shall elect a replacement.


3.1 The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December each year.


4.1 Regular meetings of the Association shall be held twice a year. Specific dates and places shall be determined by the officers. Members shall receive an agenda by mail or email at least fifteen (15) days prior to each meeting.

4.2 The format of each Association meeting shall be as follows:

            1. Officers meeting

            2. Registration

            3. Workshop, special session, or guest speaker

            4. Business meeting

                        a. Minutes of last meeting

                        b. Treasurer’s report

                        c. Old business

                        d. New business

                        e. Closing session or unattached business

4.3 A quorum shall be defined as the presence of one-third of the paid member projects. The TRIO New Mexico President shall have the power to determine when a quorum of paid voting member projects is present.

4.4 The President of the Association shall appoint an association member as a Parliamentarian for a one-year term to assist in conducting all meetings.

4.5 The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the Association.

4.6 Any three (3) officers and/or the majority of the active membership of the TRIO New Mexico shall have the authority to call an additional Association meeting if the need exists.


5.1 There shall be four types of memberships:

                        a. Annual project active membership

                        b. Annual individual active membership

                        c. Annual individual associate membership

                        d. Annual individual student/alumni membership

5.2 Annual Association membership fees shall be determined by a majority vote of the membership.

5.3 Annual project fees and individual memberships must be renewed by December 31 of each year.

5.4 The Treasurer is responsible for the billing and collection of all Association fees, development of membership lists, and the distribution of membership cards. Billing for Association fees shall be sent by the first Friday of December each year.

5.5 An individual registration fee shall be charged to each person, excluding guests of the Association, who attends the state conference, such fee to be established annually by the Board.


6.1 Each active member shall be entitled to one (1) vote.

6.2 Proxy votes should be addressed to the TRIO New Mexico President on the Association proxy form and given to the President before commencement of a TRIO New Mexico meeting. The President will turn over proxy votes to TRIO New Mexico Secretary to be kept on file.

6.3 For urgent action items requiring a membership vote prior to the next scheduled association business meeting, the Board may conduct absentee voting with the membership to determine the impending action to be taken by the Board.


7.1 The standing committees of the Association are as follows:

a. Executive Committee/Board - - current officers of TRIO New Mexico.

b. TRIO Achiever Selection Committee - - The committee shall set the parameters for TRIO Achiever selection, develop and implement the selection process. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

c. Scholarship Selection Committee - - The committee shall establish criteria for awards dissemination; set application deadline(s) to membership; post to TRIO NM website, list-serv and social media; review and evaluate each application on individual merits; notify award recipients upon approval. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

d. Council of Opportunity in Education (COE) Fair Share Committee - - The Committee shall be chaired by the TRIO New Mexico Past- President. The committee shall solicit pledges from TRIO projects and program personnel, plan and implement Fair Share fundraising events on the state and regional levels. The committee will be responsible for assisting TRIO New Mexico and SWASAP in meeting COE state and regional association goals.

e. Finance Committee - - The committee shall consider fiscal policies affecting the Association; make recommendations regarding such policies to the President or Board as appropriate; maintain and adhere to the procedures set forth in the Fiscal Management Manual Budget for the Fiscal Year. The chair of this committee must have served on the committee a minimum of one year and will be appointed by the TRIO NM President. The current TRIO NM Treasurer shall serve on the Finance committee, but shall not serve as chair on this committee. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

f. Professional Development/Conferences Committee - -The committee shall determine professional development workshops that provide and enhance knowledge of TRIO Programs; determine a priority for training based on the needs of the membership; respond appropriately to requests for professional development from the membership to meet special requirements and/or circumstances. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

g. By-Law Review Committee - - The committee shall maintain and improve the By-Laws of TRIO NM; prepare proposed amendments in appropriate language for approval by the membership; being receptive to suggestions made by the membership and/or Executive Board and keep records of all revisions. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

h. Government Relations/State Initiative Committee - - The committee shall develop effective strategies which influence state policy, establish strong relationships with state legislators and develop strategies for TRIO advocacy. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

i. Technology and Communications Committee - - The committee shall provide accurate information to the membership; establish information for gathering and publishing newsworthy articles; publish TRIO NM newsletter two times a year; post special events and information pertinent to the association. Post weekly to TRIO NM social media outlets; record keepers of social media outlet administrators and editors. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

j. TRIO Day Committee - -The committee shall create a celebration day to honor National TRIO Day to include TRIO history; identify and work with a State of New Mexico legislator to sponsor the TRIO Day Proclamation or Memorial; work with Governmental Relations and State Initiative Committee to identify speakers and Congressional support; create and design the TRIO Day t-shirt; secure location to reflect on the meaning of TRIO Day; secure Rotunda NM State Legislature on the day after Labor Day. Work with Technology and Communications Committee to provide announcements and advertisement flyers. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

k. Annual Conference - - The committee shall create agenda for TNM membership; obtain bids for cost effectiveness and working with food vendors; create and publish agenda and materials needed for the event; work with the Technology and Communications Committee to publicize the event; work with the Professional Development Committee to line up speakers and or key note speakers; provide on-the-ground assistance with location TBA, hotel TBA, etc. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

l. Alumni Initiative Committee - - The committee shall create an initiative to foster a TRIO alumni identity; work collaboratively to increase the number of alumni registered with COE alumni network and  work with the TRIO Achiever Committee to help locate outstanding nominees. Every five years, when the SWASAP conference is held in NM, assist with gathering NM TRIO alumni prior to the alumni reception. Work with Technology and Communications Committee to provide alumni announcements and advertisement flyers. Terms of committee chair tenure shall be two years. A minimum of one year must elapse between terms of office.

7.2 The Ad hoc committees of the Association may be appointed by the President and the Executive Board. Such committees will operate within the purpose and objectives of the Association and shall be specifically charged and automatically dismissed upon completion of task.

7.3 Each committee chair will be responsible for storing all committee resources, files, documents, and passwords in the TRIO New Mexico board drive.


8.1 The property and profits of the Association shall never accrue to the benefit of its membership, or any individual except for reasonable compensation for services rendered and expenses incurred for administration (i.e., travel, lodging, and related expenses, and operation for necessary Association function).

8.2 The following TRIO Achiever expenses, with verifiable receipts, for attending the annual SWASAP conference shall be paid by the Association:

            a. One night of hotel accommodations

            b. Reimbursement for meals as outlined in the TRIO New Mexico Fiscal Management Manual

            c. The price of a round-trip shuttle between the airport and hotel

            d. A round-trip airline ticket to be purchased by the TRIO New Mexico Treasurer

8.3 There must be a minimum balance of $2,850 in the Association treasury in order for scholarships to be awarded. Spring Association meeting members in attendance will decide amount of scholarship awards.

8.4 TRIO New Mexico officers and ELI participants will receive air and ground transportation monies to attend SWASAP Board meetings and ELI Training. Officers and ELI participants traveling to those meetings and training sessions should make prudent and reasonable monetary decisions. All receipts/documentation must accompany TRIO New Mexico reimbursement request form.

8.5 Available SWASAP funds given to TRIO New Mexico to facilitate participation in the annual COE Policy Seminar will be allocated to active members who have submitted a funding proposal approved by the board, and who subsequently register and attend the seminar. Documentation of registration, attendance, and incurred expenses must be provided to the Association Treasurer within thirty days following the seminar. Reimbursement will be directly issued to the attending individuals.                    

8.6 TRIO New Mexico shall refer to the TRIO New Mexico Finance Manual for fiduciary guidance.


9.1 The purpose of the Emerging Leaders Institute is to identify, train and mentor TRIO New Mexico Members for leadership roles within the Association. The roles include committee service as members and/or committee chairs as well as preparation to hold office at the state, regional and national levels.

9.2. Specific duties of the ELI representative as defined by TRIO New Mexico.


10.1 The Association Bylaws may be amended at any called meeting, provided the following conditions are met:

            a. A quorum is present

            b. Proposed amendments will be presented in writing to each active member at least fifteen (15) days   

                 prior to the Association meeting

            c. The active member wishing to alter a proposed amendment must present the alteration in person at

                  the Association meeting

            d. Adoption of an amendment shall be by a majority vote of those present


Upon dissolution of the Association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to the state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

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