COE Fair-Share
The Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) depends on institutional memberships, subscriptions, and personal contributions as its major source of operating revenue. Fair Share is the sharing of budgetary responsibility needed for the Council for Opportunity in Education to operate based on the relative number of TRIO projects in an area. The Council's Board of Directors votes on the General Administrative Budget (GAB) of the Council. The GAB supports the critical work of the Council not supported by outside grants. The Fair Share is then calculated using the GAB amount. Fair Share is collected in four ways: Regional Membership Dues; Institutional Membership Dues; Subscriptions; and Annual Giving Campaign (Personal Donations). Their current campaign is 10 for 10 (10 Payments for 10 Months). | Personal Contribution Make life a little easier this year by starting your personal donation to the Council for Opportunity in Education early. There are 2 ways to contribute! 1) Sign up for payments to come out monthly and be done for the year! (10 payments for 10 months) Sign up HERE to start your giving today. To qualify for the “10 for 10” Campaign, contributions must total at least $100 by June 30th each year. Sign Up Today! 2) To give to through other COE specific funds, please click HERE to donate online. |