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TRIO New Mexico Programs

Educational Opportunity Centers (Adult Learners) 

Educational Opportunity Centers serve students 19 year of age or older who identify as first generation and low income. Existing through four programs at four different institutions, and serving a total of 3,865 students across the state, EOC “provides counseling and information on college admissions to qualified adults who want to enter or continue a program of post-secondary education.” An important objective of the program is to counsel participants on financial aid options, including basic financial planning skills and to assist in the application process. The goal of the EOC program is to increase the number of adults learners who enroll in post-secondary institutions. (

Institution  Contact
 Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell  575-624-7202
 Northern New Mexico College 505-695-4026
 San Juan Community College 505-566-3262
 University of New Mexico - Albuquerque  505-277-2203

Educational Talent Search (Middle -High School)

Educational Talent Search is primarily an early intervention  serving a total of 1,854 students between the ages of 11 and 27 who  are low income and potential first generation college students. By providing “academic, career and financial counseling to its participants and encourages them to graduate from high school and continue on to and complete their postsecondary education.” ( )

 Institution  Contact          
 Eastern New Mexico University - Portales  575-562-2447
 Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell  575-624-7202
 New Mexico State University - Alamogordo 575-646-1780

High School

Upward Bound (High School)

Having a total of 13 programs at 9 different institutions, Upward Bound programs serve a total of 904 low income, first generation and/or academically at risk high school students in New Mexico. By providing intensive academic support to its participants, UB programs work to “increase the rate at which students complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of  post secondary education.” (

 Institution  Contact
Clovis Community College  575-769-4350 ext. 1206
Eastern New Mexico University - Portales  575-562-2452
Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell  575-624-7205
LULAC National Educational Service Centers (5 centers)  505-243-3787
New Mexico State University (Alamogordo)  575-646-1856
New Mexico State University (Hatch)  575-646-1780
New Mexico State University (LCPS/GISD) 575-646-5732
Northern New Mexico College  505-747-5060
San Juan Community College 505-566-4237
University of New Mexico - Gallup  505-863-7508
University of New Mexico - Valencia  505-925-8863

Upward Bound Math/Science (High School)

Serving a total of 182 students across the state, Upward Bound Math-Science  aims to “strengthen the math and science skills of participating students ...[while encouraging participants] to purse postsecondary degrees in math and science, and ultimately careers in the math and science professions.” (

 Institution  Contact
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology - Albuquerque 505-274-4065     
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology - Socorro 505-274-4065

Veterans Upward Bound (College Prep)

With a total of 125 student participants in the state, Veteran’s  Upward Bound is tasked with “motivating and assisting veterans in the development of academic and other requisite skills necessary for acceptance and success in a program of postsecondary education.”  Through counseling, mentoring, tutoring and academic instruction services, the program aims to increase the rate at which first generation, low income and/or students who meet specific military service and discharge requirements,  enroll in and complete  postsecondary education. (

 Institution  Contact
University of New Mexico - Taos 575-737-3725

Student Support Services (College/University) 

New Mexico has 13 Student Support Services programs serving first generation, low income and/or students with disabilities across the state. By providing opportunities for academic development, SSS programs assist students with basic college requirements, and “motivates students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education.” SSS programs are also able to provide grant aid to current program participants who are eligible to receive Federal Pell Grants. The overall goal of the program is to increase college retention and graduation rates.  (

 Institution  Contact                                              
Central New Mexico Community College - Albuquerque Main Campus 505-224-4375
Central New Mexico Community College - Albuquerque Montoya Campus 505-224-4375
Clovis Community College575-769-4772
Eastern New Mexico University - Portales 575-562-2842
Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell 575-646-7202
New Mexico Junior College 575-492-2615
New Mexico State University 575-646-1336
San Juan Community College 505-566-3147
Santa Fe Community College 505-428-1364
University of New Mexico - Albuquerque 505-277-3230
University of New Mexico - Taos 575-737-3776
University of New Mexico - Gallup505-863-7751
University of New Mexico-Valencia 505-925-8711

Student Support Services STEM (College/University)

New Mexico has 2 Students Support Services– STEM Programs assist first generation, low income and/or students with disabilities across the state. By providing opportunities for academic development, SSS programs assist students with basic college requirements, and “motivates students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education.” SSS programs are also able to provide grant aid to current program participants who are eligible to receive Federal Pell Grants. The overall goal of the program is to increase college retention and graduation rates.  (

 Institution  Contact
New Mexico State University 575-646-2452
San Juan Community College 505-566-3170

Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate (University)

Serving students who are first generation, low income and/or underrepresented in graduate education, the Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program assists students in preparing for “doctoral studies through involvement  in research and other scholarly activities… [such as] summer internships and seminars.” The goal of the McNair program is to increase the attainment of Doctoral degrees by students from underrepresented segments of society.  ( )

 Institution  Contact
 New Mexico State University 575-646-2005
 University of New Mexico  505-277-3098

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